Traffic-free Shopping


Copyright: Tom Sam/
DESTINATIONS bruges Shopping Traffic-free Shopping

Traffic-free Shopping

Following the marvellous trend of making the city more pedestrian-friendly, Bruges city council has decided to ban all traffic from several shopping streets on Saturdays and on Shopping Sundays (every first Sunday of the month) between 1 pm and 6 pm. On Zuidzandstraat (except for De Lijn buses), Steenstraat, Geldmuntstraat and Noordzandstraat motorised traffic will not be allowed at those times. The city will remain easily reachable and accessible for everyone.


Although Bruges is often associated with the virtuosity and mastery of craftsmen from the past, today’s city is still a breeding ground for creative entrepreneurs of all kinds. You can find dozens of authentic shops, each offering that little extra something, often nestled alongside the more traditional and reputed art galleries and antique emporia. Shopping in Bruges is a veritable voyage of discovery, ranging from original and trendy newcomers, through vintage addresses that exude nostalgia, to classic establishments that have been run by the same family for generations.